The Project

Codice  Progetto DEEP : 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000034658

The objective of DEEP is to create a training model that is able to bring together professionals from different professional categories, overcoming the current logic that disability is a topic limited to specific sectors.

This training model will have the following specific objectives:

– to develop skills in the field of 3D prototyping;

– to bring the world of social and health care to the potential of the use of 3D printing in the world of disability;

– to make makers acquire and increase in social and health care professionals, relational and pro-social skills essential to work with people with disabilities;

– to reach the description of units of learning outcomes assessable and, therefore, usable in the description and evaluation of professional profiles).

Taking charge of the person with disabilities, in its entirety, needs a set of skills that make a holistic approach necessary. The direct target of DEEP will be composed of: health professionals (doctors, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists), occupational therapists and experts in the field of 3D printers (defined as makers). Only with a change in the logic of taking care of the disabled, which is no longer purely “welfare” is possible to go in the right and authentic direction of social inclusion (first horizontal priority). Inclusion is a right based on the full participation of people with disabilities in all spheres of life, on the basis of equality in relation to others, without discrimination, respecting dignity and enhancing human diversity, through appropriate interventions and the overcoming of obstacles and prejudices. Inclusion is effective only with the direct participation of excluded and discriminated people (Griffo, 2007)


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Project Code

Action Type: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational

education and training ID KA220-VET-96D2A817




Where you can find us


HUB is the space where the best talents of the 4.0 generation grow.

HUB networking is rooted in Italy and abroad, creating a network that is always open to new collaborations in the tech sector. In fact, the Hubbers are the small entrepreneurial realities that share the physical spaces of HUB every day. They all work in the digital innovation sector, ranging from aeronautics to 3D printing, from augmented reality to home automation. They network and share knowledge, creating a virtuous environment in which to grow, each with their own business.


The training centre HERTIN operates as a training provider for social and health workers in public hospitals and private health care facilities and it will bring to the project its knowledge of the training of adult proffesionals based on more than 20 years experiences.

The INVENT MEDICAL as an associated partner of the project is one of the most advanced specialist on 3D printing with focus on medical help. The mission of this company, which specialises in 3D printing of orthotic and prosthetic products, is to liberalise and disseminate 3D prototyping to all healthcare professionals, in particular doctors and clinical specialists.

Lipa Net
Universitàt Autonoma de Barcelona

UAB contributes to the Project DEEP on several levels:

Training: UAB provides training regarding prosocial interpersonal communication in order to optimize relations between health professionals, technological experts (“makers”) and patients/users

Evaluation: UAB will produce evaluation tools to measure the effectiveness of the follow-up and workshop activities

Dissemination: UAB, will contribute to the dissemination of the project results in national and international networks.

Sustainability: UAB will provide a “Get in Contact” session which enhances synergies and co-construction of ideas and innovations among stakeholders.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a public, campus-based, generalist university, hosting 43,000 students.

The UAB plays a leading role in scientific research and the wide range of disciplines represented promotes a multidisciplinary approach. The university was selected among the top five universities to be recognized as Campus of international excellence by the Spanish government in its first edition (2009).

The UAB is at position 177 of the world rankings (and 79 in Europe) and the Times Higher Education World University Ranking has placed it 22nd in the world, 11th in Europe and 1st in Spain.

Villa delle Magnolie

Villa delle Magnolie was born offering its services in the branch of intensive rehabilitation, it produces and efficiently delivers basic and highly complex health services and care, scientifically proven and of adequate efficacy. Villa delle Magnolie is an accredited center for specialist and rehabilitation services provided in day hospital and ordinary conditions. Villa delle magnolie as Applicant of the deep project, will participate in the training activities of the project by providing its own resources and skills and making available the health professionals as well as the tools available for the experience gained in the field. Villa delle Magnolie as leader of the DEEP project will take care of the coordination and will make a valuable contribution to monitoring the application of the DEEP model in the field. Villa delle Magnolie will have the task of promoting information on innovative technologies in the field of social and work inclusion of people with disabilities. This will be possible thanks to the collaboration of the Clinic with various health cooperatives but also to the agreements signed with various companies on the local and national territory, including the local health authority and with universities, including the Luigi Vanvitelli University. Dissemination will also take place through important and numerous medical refresher and continuing education conferences (CME) that the Clinic organizes and hosts every year.


Technoport will contribute to the analysis of the needs and the state of the art. It will perform training activities and organise some coordination meetings and workshops in Luxembourg. Technoport is responsible for assessing the acquisition of knowledge and expertise in the field of 3D printing and report on the results of field experimentation. Moreover, it will contribute to the sustainability strategy for the project, work on technology usage and the business models and participate to a number of dissemination and multiplier events.

Technoport is a business incubator offering support services to innovative businesses active in various fields (ICT, industrial technologies and health). We are supporting the R&D and business development activities of companies active in the field of 3D printing, industrial design, medical hardware and rehabilitation tools (e.g. Anisoprint, Arspectra and Exoatlet). The focus of the support services is in open innovation, knowledge transfer and the commercialisation of highly innovative technologies in industrial and digital fast-growing sectors. Technoport supports the launch and development of innovative and technology-oriented companies by giving entrepreneurs and partners access to the ecosystems they need. We are very active in building communities of partners, developers and users around technical projects and in the organisation of sectoral workshops, hackathons, concept acceleration programmes and innovation contests.

Villa delle Magnolie

Villa delle Magnolie nasce offrendo i propri servizi nel ramo della riabilitazione intensiva, produce ed eroga in modo efficiente servizi sanitari e cure di base e di elevata complessità, scientificamente provata e di adeguata efficacia. Villa delle Magnolie è un centro accreditato per le prestazioni specialistiche e riabilitative erogate in regime di day hospital e ordinario. Villa delle magnoli in qualità di Richiedente del progetto deep, parteciperà alle attività formative del progetto mettendo a disposizione e le proprie competenze risorse e mettendo a disposizione gli operatori sanitari nonché gli strumenti a disposizione per l’esperienza maturata sul campo. Villa delle Magnolie in qualità di capofila del progetto DEEP si occuperà del coordinamento e darà un prezioso contributo al monitoraggio dell’applicazione sul campo del modello DEEP. Villa delle Magnolie avrà il compito di promuovere l’informazione sulle tecnologie innovative nel campo dell’inclusione sociale e lavorativa delle persone con disabilità. Ciò sarà possibile grazie alla collaborazione della Clinica con diverse cooperative sanitarie ma anche agli accordi siglati con diverse aziende sul territorio locale e nazionale, tra cui l’Azienda sanitaria locale e con le Università, tra cui l’Università Luigi Vanvitelli. La diffusione avverrà anche attraverso importanti e numerosi convegni medici di aggiornamento e formazione continua (CME) che la Clinica organizza e ospita ogni anno.